5.20% or 13-Month Certificate 20-Month Certificate Federally Insured by NCUA The road to savings is unlimited. $10,000 minimum new money requirement. led SCAN HERE CHROME FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 724.228.2030 CHROMEFCU.ORG *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates and Terms are subject to change without notification. Early withdrawal penalties may apply and may reduce earnings. Must be new money. $10,000 minimum balance to open and required to earn the advertised APY on the 13-Month or 20-Month term. The 13-month will auto-renew to 12-month traditional certificate and the 20-month to 18-month traditional certificate at established rate at end of either term. Membership and eligibility required. Please visit chromefcu.org for more information, rates, and terms. Stated rate as of July 24, 2023 and is subject to change. odno=296602 Scan the QR code to learn more, calculate earned dividends and open an account online. 5.20 % or 13 - Month Certificate 20 - Month Certificate Federally Insured by NCUA The road to savings is unlimited . $ 10,000 minimum new money requirement . led SCAN HERE CHROME FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 724.228.2030 CHROMEFCU.ORG * APY = Annual Percentage Yield . Rates and Terms are subject to change without notification . Early withdrawal penalties may apply and may reduce earnings . Must be new money . $ 10,000 minimum balance to open and required to earn the advertised APY on the 13 - Month or 20 - Month term . The 13 - month will auto - renew to 12 - month traditional certificate and the 20 - month to 18 - month traditional certificate at established rate at end of either term . Membership and eligibility required . Please visit chromefcu.org for more information , rates , and terms . Stated rate as of July 24 , 2023 and is subject to change . odno = 296602 Scan the QR code to learn more , calculate earned dividends and open an account online .