CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren, Jr. BEYOND THE SCOPE OF DIVINE AUTHORITY In his book, "The Crucified Life," A.W. Tozer wrote, "Some pastors are pushing their churches beyond the scope of divine authority. Some churches are more into politics. Some aremore into social concerns. For other churches, the great interest is education. All of these things are not bad in and of themselves, but not one of them is part of the commission God gave the church." SUNDAY: 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION: Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road, just 100 yards from Ford City Rd. WELCOME: (724)297-5249 for info. EMAIL: WEBSITE: adno=219411_V4 CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren, Jr. BEYOND THE SCOPE OF DIVINE AUTHORITY In his book, "The Crucified Life," A.W. Tozer wrote, "Some pastors are pushing their churches beyond the scope of divine authority. Some churches are more into politics. Some aremore into social concerns. For other churches, the great interest is education. All of these things are not bad in and of themselves, but not one of them is part of the commission God gave the church." SUNDAY: 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION: Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road, just 100 yards from Ford City Rd. WELCOME: (724)297-5249 for info. EMAIL: WEBSITE: adno=219411_V4