t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren, Jr. ON GETTING VERY CLOSE TO JESUS A.W. Tozer once wrote, "Everything seems to be a revival. I saw a sign that said, 'Revival Tonight at 7pm! What I want to know is, how do they know a revival is going to take place at that particular time? We have changed the meaning of the word, 'revival', and we need to upgrade our vocabulary. Revival is not just getting together for some religious hootenanny. It is a matter of getting very close to Jesus." Join us this Sunday as we delve into Matthew 20: 29-34 to see what it really takes to get THAT close. SUNDAY: 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION: Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road, just 100 yards from Ford City Rd. WELCOME: (724)297-5249 for info. EMAIL: info@ChristOur Rock.net WEBSITE: www.ChristOurRock.net adno=322621_V3 t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren , Jr. ON GETTING VERY CLOSE TO JESUS A.W. Tozer once wrote , " Everything seems to be a revival . I saw a sign that said , ' Revival Tonight at 7pm ! What I want to know is , how do they know a revival is going to take place at that particular time ? We have changed the meaning of the word , ' revival ' , and we need to upgrade our vocabulary . Revival is not just getting together for some religious hootenanny . It is a matter of getting very close to Jesus . " Join us this Sunday as we delve into Matthew 20 : 29-34 to see what it really takes to get THAT close . SUNDAY : 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION : Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road , just 100 yards from Ford City Rd . WELCOME : (724)297-5249 for info . EMAIL : info @ ChristOur Rock.net WEBSITE : www.ChristOurRock.net adno = 322621_V3