t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren, Jr. THANK GOD FOR DOUBLE WHAMMIES A.W. Tozer once wrote, If I empty out half my life, God can only fill half. And my spiritual life would be diluted with the things of the natural man. This seems to be the condition of many so-called Christians today. They are willing to get rid of some things in their lives, and God comes and fills them as far as He can. But until they are willing to give up everything and put everything on the altar, as it were, God cannot fill their entire lives. One thing I try to guard in my spiritual life is that I not lose the vision of the majesty on high. I need to understand the God I am worshiping, and when I do, there will be restored in my heart an awesome sense of reverence." Join us this Fourth Sunday of the Easter Season to see just how far Jesus will go for His followers. We will be in both Luke 24: 36-43 and John 20: 26-31. SUNDAY: 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION: Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road, just 100 yards from Ford City Rd. WELCOME: (724)297-5249 for info. EMAIL: info@ChristOur Rock.net WEBSITE: www.ChristOurRock.net adno=326466_V2 t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren , Jr. THANK GOD FOR DOUBLE WHAMMIES A.W. Tozer once wrote , If I empty out half my life , God can only fill half . And my spiritual life would be diluted with the things of the natural man . This seems to be the condition of many so - called Christians today . They are willing to get rid of some things in their lives , and God comes and fills them as far as He can . But until they are willing to give up everything and put everything on the altar , as it were , God cannot fill their entire lives . One thing I try to guard in my spiritual life is that I not lose the vision of the majesty on high . I need to understand the God I am worshiping , and when I do , there will be restored in my heart an awesome sense of reverence . " Join us this Fourth Sunday of the Easter Season to see just how far Jesus will go for His followers . We will be in both Luke 24 : 36-43 and John 20 : 26-31 . SUNDAY : 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION : Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road , just 100 yards from Ford City Rd . WELCOME : (724)297-5249 for info . EMAIL : info @ ChristOur Rock.net WEBSITE : www.ChristOurRock.net adno = 326466_V2