t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren, Jr. "THE MINISTRY OF JESUS IN A NUTSHELL" A.W. Tozer once wrote, "Faith is more than believing the right words. 'Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God! (Romans 10:17) I believe it is impossible to boil my faith down to a series of words. My faith rises above words and rests in the very heart of God. My trust is in God-- not in my explanation of who God is. If what i believe in can be totally explained, it is not God. Every man lives by faith, the nonbeliever as well as the saint; the one by faith in natural laws and the other by faith in God." Join us in Matthew 4:23-25 to discover the ministry of Jesus in a nutshell. SUNDAY: 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION: Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road, just 100 yards from Ford City Rd. WELCOME: (724)297-5249 for info. EMAIL: info@ChristOurRock.net WEBSITE: www.ChristOurRock.net adno=316734_V4 t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren , Jr. " THE MINISTRY OF JESUS IN A NUTSHELL " A.W. Tozer once wrote , " Faith is more than believing the right words . ' Faith comes by hearing , and hearing by the word of God ! ( Romans 10:17 ) I believe it is impossible to boil my faith down to a series of words . My faith rises above words and rests in the very heart of God . My trust is in God- not in my explanation of who God is . If what i believe in can be totally explained , it is not God . Every man lives by faith , the nonbeliever as well as the saint ; the one by faith in natural laws and the other by faith in God . " Join us in Matthew 4 : 23-25 to discover the ministry of Jesus in a nutshell . SUNDAY : 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION : Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road , just 100 yards from Ford City Rd . WELCOME : (724)297-5249 for info . EMAIL : info@ChristOurRock.net WEBSITE : www.ChristOurRock.net adno = 316734_V4