t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren, Jr. THE ONLY TWO OPTIONS A.W. Tozer once wrote, "Even now, the traditions of the church seem to have more authority than the Word of God. But every tradition has a beginning-a time before which it was not done. Then someone did it, and it became a tradition. Today, some are establishing traditions not based upon the clear teaching of the Scriptures-and one generation's tradition becomes the next generation's brazen serpent. All tradition must bow in reverence before the clear testimony of God's Holy Word." Join us on this 3rd Sunday of the Easter Season as we delve into two very much related resurrection appearances, and yet, they are complete opposites. SUNDAY: 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION: Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road, just 100 yards from Ford City Rd. WELCOME: (724)297-5249 for info. EMAIL: info@ChristOur Rock.net WEBSITE: www.ChristOurRock.net adno=326466_V2 t CHRIST OUR ROCK BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Roy D. Warren , Jr. THE ONLY TWO OPTIONS A.W. Tozer once wrote , " Even now , the traditions of the church seem to have more authority than the Word of God . But every tradition has a beginning - a time before which it was not done . Then someone did it , and it became a tradition . Today , some are establishing traditions not based upon the clear teaching of the Scriptures - and one generation's tradition becomes the next generation's brazen serpent . All tradition must bow in reverence before the clear testimony of God's Holy Word . " Join us on this 3rd Sunday of the Easter Season as we delve into two very much related resurrection appearances , and yet , they are complete opposites . SUNDAY : 9:30 AM Sunday School 10 AM Praise & Worship LOCATION : Roger's Chapel at 351 McVille Road , just 100 yards from Ford City Rd . WELCOME : (724)297-5249 for info . EMAIL : info @ ChristOur Rock.net WEBSITE : www.ChristOurRock.net adno = 326466_V2