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Page Dairy Mart is currently located at the intersection of Becks Run Road and E. Carson Street, Pittsburgh, PA. The Page family built a Gulf Service and Gas Station on this property years after this photo was taken. Becks Run Road was eventually redirected under the railroad trestle approximately 75-100 feet south of where it appears in this photo. The building that appears in this photo was known as the Hays Mansion and was the home of the Butterweck family. Emma Butterweck was born here and grew up to marry Charles Alexander Page. The building was destroyed in the Saint Patrick’s Flood and no longer exists. It is interesting to note that the road is not paved but a wooden boardwalk is visible for foot traffic. You can see what appear to be horse-drawn trolley tracks near the bottom of the photo (see the water-filled hoof marks between the tracks). There is a shadow of a telephone pole and power line coming up from the bottom left-hand corner. A gas streetlight is on the corner. This photo was probably taken in the spring and sometime near 1900.