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  • Published Date

    September 4, 2019
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FAST INTERNET THAT FITS EVERYONE'S NEEDS FREE THREE MONTHS WITH 2 MO COMMITMENT Limited-Time Offer Not into commitments? Choose our No Contract ptionand get your FIRST MONTH FREE! LIVE CONNECTED. LIVE KINETIC UNLIMITED INTERNET INTERNET SPEEDS UP TO 100 MBPS Never be limited by data caps NO BUNDLE REQUIRED Get only the service you need FIBER-BACKED kineticinternet Built on our 100% fiber-backed network by windstream To Order, Call 1-866-445-3404 windstream.com/Export by WndstraLebed-e-transferatle fer foresidential stoers that may net be combined wth other promtons Cedit restrictions mayapply Subject to vailsbl Win Tand Conds windstem. and Wedea Acptable he Picy ws. pdec p Details Mst be a eet tmer who bas et ed Wnd ntet service within the past 30 daps Matt sbibe to sdect ols to quality Aer 24 monts, the standad neic t rabe aplies Tas, ees and surcharges ane e3 and net included in itdactor o standand rae Addtienal rictios my Dstomes modem restal and saliited phone service s discaneded tee he end fthe 12 moths, a e utd $25pe mth for ach moth reaiing in the fem wi gos Addtional far bunde addtions and ca asdesited bl appl Ratemay ingease ae itl tr oCotract Option No tm cotract ried Fa nt moth at ntalton ng s tic lee doners will ne moth ed to offet charges ar K et, odea and sgeeds or anitated enee senvice Sped availabilts capabities aed povonig vay depending on netwok and tea conditons teret, webite, or netwok coeonand cuomer geghical location Windstean nakes epresetations eed dowad ar spload seeds Wintstream ams nosponsibility ar lability for iteuption of sernices or service geomance diferences actal and advetied performance In select as indudes Intermet tranport, Internet access and unlimted incomng cal Oubond cals, ecpt for ee and 21.will be charged at 10 centsnote Operator Service and 41wi be chared at taed rates No featres o loog-diance cae rae aoed Casubect to addil carge t be ncluded in the 3-ts or 3-nons fre promotiont Ketic teret Speed Mothly ees eay apply Speeds 25 Mps and above may be provisioned in a tange icluding amin and maun seed dtan will provs cestomers bnen for the testest speet alable wis the aalatle ae at the ne of ander but canst paratee speed or unitempe, e sanice Epuipment Monthly upment fees may appls Windtea-provided modems will be capable of in-home winless neworking but devices sopported by in-bome wineles neteorking conections may epeeno ses t a to atvedied speeds o he speed sefenced in your Iet plan Wi winless etworking actaal throught speed may be inpacted by ral acto idng iece fom other euipment s nices at the lociian dstasce tom the odem moden locaten tre ot dvics coectd physical ostuctios, ad tion and sot ev the set t chage fr the moe ar a 5100 fe lstalation/Activation Actwation chage may apply Pass with speeds 25 Ms and higher ay oality for free presional tstalaton Ples with speeds ess than 25 Mps may incur a fe far potesonal instaation O2013 Wdstrean Services UC All ighs eseved Kotic and nta ae npteed serice marks or tademasfseam Services, C andir ts afiates A ther marks athe ppety ef their recti ne tana. FAST INTERNET THAT FITS EVERYONE'S NEEDS FREE THREE MONTHS WITH 2 MO COMMITMENT Limited-Time Offer Not into commitments? Choose our No Contract ptionand get your FIRST MONTH FREE! LIVE CONNECTED. LIVE KINETIC UNLIMITED INTERNET INTERNET SPEEDS UP TO 100 MBPS Never be limited by data caps NO BUNDLE REQUIRED Get only the service you need FIBER-BACKED kineticinternet Built on our 100% fiber-backed network by windstream To Order, Call 1-866-445-3404 windstream.com/Export by WndstraLebed-e-transferatle fer foresidential stoers that may net be combined wth other promtons Cedit restrictions mayapply Subject to vailsbl Win Tand Conds windstem. and Wedea Acptable he Picy ws. pdec p Details Mst be a eet tmer who bas et ed Wnd ntet service within the past 30 daps Matt sbibe to sdect ols to quality Aer 24 monts, the standad neic t rabe aplies Tas, ees and surcharges ane e3 and net included in itdactor o standand rae Addtienal rictios my Dstomes modem restal and saliited phone service s discaneded tee he end fthe 12 moths, a e utd $25pe mth for ach moth reaiing in the fem wi gos Addtional far bunde addtions and ca asdesited bl appl Ratemay ingease ae itl tr oCotract Option No tm cotract ried Fa nt moth at ntalton ng s tic lee doners will ne moth ed to offet charges ar K et, odea and sgeeds or anitated enee senvice Sped availabilts capabities aed povonig vay depending on netwok and tea conditons teret, webite, or netwok coeonand cuomer geghical location Windstean nakes epresetations eed dowad ar spload seeds Wintstream ams nosponsibility ar lability for iteuption of sernices or service geomance diferences actal and advetied performance In select as indudes Intermet tranport, Internet access and unlimted incomng cal Oubond cals, ecpt for ee and 21.will be charged at 10 centsnote Operator Service and 41wi be chared at taed rates No featres o loog-diance cae rae aoed Casubect to addil carge t be ncluded in the 3-ts or 3-nons fre promotiont Ketic teret Speed Mothly ees eay apply Speeds 25 Mps and above may be provisioned in a tange icluding amin and maun seed dtan will provs cestomers bnen for the testest speet alable wis the aalatle ae at the ne of ander but canst paratee speed or unitempe, e sanice Epuipment Monthly upment fees may appls Windtea-provided modems will be capable of in-home winless neworking but devices sopported by in-bome wineles neteorking conections may epeeno ses t a to atvedied speeds o he speed sefenced in your Iet plan Wi winless etworking actaal throught speed may be inpacted by ral acto idng iece fom other euipment s nices at the lociian dstasce tom the odem moden locaten tre ot dvics coectd physical ostuctios, ad tion and sot ev the set t chage fr the moe ar a 5100 fe lstalation/Activation Actwation chage may apply Pass with speeds 25 Ms and higher ay oality for free presional tstalaton Ples with speeds ess than 25 Mps may incur a fe far potesonal instaation O2013 Wdstrean Services UC All ighs eseved Kotic and nta ae npteed serice marks or tademasfseam Services, C andir ts afiates A ther marks athe ppety ef their recti ne tana.