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  • Published Date

    March 11, 2020
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SWITCH TO FAST, RELIABLE INTERNET ON OUR FIBER-BACKED NETWORK $27 SPEEDS UP TO 25 MBPS TAUGHT DAD TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA MO FOR 12 MONTIS ASK ABOUT FASTER SPEEDS UP TO 200 MBPS EXCITED TO RECONNECT WITH HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS ONLINE UNLIMITED INTERNET NO COMMITMENT Never be limited by data caps No contracts or early termination fees 2 kinetic To Order, Call 1-866-445-3404 RISK FREE NO BUNDLE REQUIRED Visit windstream.com/Export by windstream. 30-day money-back guarantee Get only the service you need LIVE CONNECTED. LIVE KINETIC. Enetic by Windsam Limted-tim, ontameble otter tor eidential astomem hat mant be contired wth ther pronatons. Cndt tictions may aody Sabet taalability indtnam lms and Candtions bntstamcomtems and Wndam kcostable he Picy intan etotpotengadcoptcoptitnt Detal Met bea tenet customer ate has ret noed Wntetman temet servior wit e patdan Mst stscbe tselect plam t qaliy Aher 12 mont. te standard Kineic ntemet ate apples. Tes and surdarges a ata and sot incudetintoductnya standard ote Rtonal mtictons mayapply Kneic htet Wedstwan canet puarante speds or unintempted. mtee service Speet avalabli capabes and provisioning vary depending on netiok and tein condtons, ktenat etsite otok cgeston, and oataner pgphical bcaten Medstean nakes epsentatons ated to dowikad or upload speeds. Wedtean ansmes o osbly lab trintemoton of services ir savce performance derences adal and advertised peromance seect ama includes terinet part, ernet acess, and entinted incoming cals. Outtound calls ecngt to tol tee and S1. wil be charged at 10 oertsiute Opeator Service and 411 wi te charped at tarifed es. Nfatues rkong dstance caer ates allowed Intenet Spend Mudy fes may apol Spreds 25 Mios and above may be provisioned in a nige includingaminimum and naimun spond Weitstream ll provision customers bcaton for the fiet speed alabiewithis the alable ange, t the ime af order but caet parante speed or unietenpted, ote senee Eguipmet Mertly equipment fees nay pply Wedstan pvided modens be capable of hone wites netwoning but devion supported by i-tome s netuoing coections me nce spents net rladvertoed spets o the sped eod in por intemet plan h wkes netuerking actal thoughout sped may bmpated by ral tactors including intertece fom other egugnet ordevios at the location distance rom the moden nadem location tom d drvion nected, physcal obtudions and ne of y btan atertised spend, cometing a deor dincthe modem te provide a wed conectionis nunmended Mbden quomentmst be ntumed apinteminaton and itnet Winddrean enes hengt tocharge for the moden ra $10 e. stalatonktiation ktiation charge mayy lans th sds 25 Mps ant mist be retumet upon teination and it not, indstean eves the ight drge he moden wa si0 0 2020 Windanan Serices, LLC A sgts reserved Kneic and Windstnan ae mgisteed seice naksar ademaris of ntstean Senices. LC andr isifats. Al uther mais an the prpety of hei mpectivenes SWITCH TO FAST, RELIABLE INTERNET ON OUR FIBER-BACKED NETWORK $27 SPEEDS UP TO 25 MBPS TAUGHT DAD TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA MO FOR 12 MONTIS ASK ABOUT FASTER SPEEDS UP TO 200 MBPS EXCITED TO RECONNECT WITH HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS ONLINE UNLIMITED INTERNET NO COMMITMENT Never be limited by data caps No contracts or early termination fees 2 kinetic To Order, Call 1-866-445-3404 RISK FREE NO BUNDLE REQUIRED Visit windstream.com/Export by windstream. 30-day money-back guarantee Get only the service you need LIVE CONNECTED. LIVE KINETIC. Enetic by Windsam Limted-tim, ontameble otter tor eidential astomem hat mant be contired wth ther pronatons. Cndt tictions may aody Sabet taalability indtnam lms and Candtions bntstamcomtems and Wndam kcostable he Picy intan etotpotengadcoptcoptitnt Detal Met bea tenet customer ate has ret noed Wntetman temet servior wit e patdan Mst stscbe tselect plam t qaliy Aher 12 mont. te standard Kineic ntemet ate apples. Tes and surdarges a ata and sot incudetintoductnya standard ote Rtonal mtictons mayapply Kneic htet Wedstwan canet puarante speds or unintempted. mtee service Speet avalabli capabes and provisioning vary depending on netiok and tein condtons, ktenat etsite otok cgeston, and oataner pgphical bcaten Medstean nakes epsentatons ated to dowikad or upload speeds. Wedtean ansmes o osbly lab trintemoton of services ir savce performance derences adal and advertised peromance seect ama includes terinet part, ernet acess, and entinted incoming cals. Outtound calls ecngt to tol tee and S1. wil be charged at 10 oertsiute Opeator Service and 411 wi te charped at tarifed es. Nfatues rkong dstance caer ates allowed Intenet Spend Mudy fes may apol Spreds 25 Mios and above may be provisioned in a nige includingaminimum and naimun spond Weitstream ll provision customers bcaton for the fiet speed alabiewithis the alable ange, t the ime af order but caet parante speed or unietenpted, ote senee Eguipmet Mertly equipment fees nay pply Wedstan pvided modens be capable of hone wites netwoning but devion supported by i-tome s netuoing coections me nce spents net rladvertoed spets o the sped eod in por intemet plan h wkes netuerking actal thoughout sped may bmpated by ral tactors including intertece fom other egugnet ordevios at the location distance rom the moden nadem location tom d drvion nected, physcal obtudions and ne of y btan atertised spend, cometing a deor dincthe modem te provide a wed conectionis nunmended Mbden quomentmst be ntumed apinteminaton and itnet Winddrean enes hengt tocharge for the moden ra $10 e. stalatonktiation ktiation charge mayy lans th sds 25 Mps ant mist be retumet upon teination and it not, indstean eves the ight drge he moden wa si0 0 2020 Windanan Serices, LLC A sgts reserved Kneic and Windstnan ae mgisteed seice naksar ademaris of ntstean Senices. LC andr isifats. Al uther mais an the prpety of hei mpectivenes