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  • Published Date

    February 19, 2020
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SWITCH TO FAST, RELIABLE INTERNET ON OUR FIBER-BACKED NETWORK $27 SPEEDS UP TO 25 MBPS TAUGHT DAD TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA MOFOR 2 MONTIS EXCITED TO RECONNECT WITH HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS ONLINE ASK ABOUT FASTER SPEEDS UP TO 200 MBPS UNLIMITED INTERNET NO COMMITMENT Never be limited by data caps No contracts or early termination fees To Order, Call 1-866-445-3404 Visit windstream.com/Export 2 kinetic RISK FREE NO BUNDLE REQUIRED by windstream. 30-day money-back guarantee Get only the service you need LIVE CONNECTED. LIVE KINETIC. Enetic by Windtream Limted-time, nontaeae ofer tor midental antomen at a not be conbired wth oter pnto Cndt mticion nay py Sutject to avalab Windan lemand Condtons indstnam tem and Windsbam Acorptate Ue aly mnndan attmenpotlamgideceptconpt it Deta Mat bea e met ontmerte tas net ceved Windstan tenet wre tin the pat 30 days Mt swbnbe to ect plans tqualiy Aer 12msetandart tic htemet t apples. taes, tes and surtarps aeand not inclded in introductonyor standard cate Additonal stitions may appl Knetic teret Wnditeam cant garante spentsuntemuptet. mter sevice Speed velabity capabes and provisioning vary degending on et nd torain candtons, ktemet website ar netwai congeston, and oustomer poogaphical kcaton Weddan makes re epresestatios ted t download or upoad sets. Medstean asumes neposbilty o kay to ietemtion of srvices or sevice petomance dfterences atal and advertet perfomance n select a, indudes eriettrsport indeet access, and uninited inconing rals. Outtond calls, ecept foi t e and 911, wil fecharped at 10ntninute Cperatr Serviceand 411 l be changt at tanted atis. tiatues ar long distance Carer tesallowed ternet Speed Morthly es nayapoh Spents 25 Mos and aboe ay te prvisined in a aige including aminimun nd mainum speed. Wiedstman wil provision custaters lotion te he tastest spnd valable ithin the ailatle ange the ime of arder but caet parte spndr unietetuted, e svice. Equipment Morthly uignent tees may app Wedsan-pvided modens wil be capatle of nhome wines toting but devios supported by in-home stweng comste ma grmo spmds ot ato adetined spoeds ar e spond tenced in our emet plan es wi etoding actual thughout sod may be impacted by val tactors includng intere on other egugtdnios at te ocaton detance fom e modem moden betion, ton f deves cacted, obpical brtatiom, and time ofdas logktan adetet pet coecting a deva deymoden to proide awnd comedenimcommended Mdem roment must be ntuned upon minaton nt ndan enesthe ght ta carg fahemodemora S100 lestatatosktvation katon charp mayapol Pansh edi25 Mps and igher may qualdy for te ptessional installtion Plas with spends less than 25 Mos may inoura etprlesoalinstalaton Money-Back Garante Foustomer cancls new temet senior ie 30 das ner stat ot senice, all svice chargs and any modem quionent and intal charpes. applicatie, rated t itemet srvios orly will be retunded Moden gionet t be etumed upon tenination and itnot. Wndstman esenies herightt carge tr temodem ra $00 02020 Wndsteam Services, LLC Arights esmed Kinete and indnann mgstend servie maris or adenala af Wdtan Serices, LLCand s itates. Al ter mar ante pnoty of ther espective owns SWITCH TO FAST, RELIABLE INTERNET ON OUR FIBER-BACKED NETWORK $27 SPEEDS UP TO 25 MBPS TAUGHT DAD TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA MOFOR 2 MONTIS EXCITED TO RECONNECT WITH HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS ONLINE ASK ABOUT FASTER SPEEDS UP TO 200 MBPS UNLIMITED INTERNET NO COMMITMENT Never be limited by data caps No contracts or early termination fees To Order, Call 1-866-445-3404 Visit windstream.com/Export 2 kinetic RISK FREE NO BUNDLE REQUIRED by windstream. 30-day money-back guarantee Get only the service you need LIVE CONNECTED. LIVE KINETIC. Enetic by Windtream Limted-time, nontaeae ofer tor midental antomen at a not be conbired wth oter pnto Cndt mticion nay py Sutject to avalab Windan lemand Condtons indstnam tem and Windsbam Acorptate Ue aly mnndan attmenpotlamgideceptconpt it Deta Mat bea e met ontmerte tas net ceved Windstan tenet wre tin the pat 30 days Mt swbnbe to ect plans tqualiy Aer 12msetandart tic htemet t apples. taes, tes and surtarps aeand not inclded in introductonyor standard cate Additonal stitions may appl Knetic teret Wnditeam cant garante spentsuntemuptet. mter sevice Speed velabity capabes and provisioning vary degending on et nd torain candtons, ktemet website ar netwai congeston, and oustomer poogaphical kcaton Weddan makes re epresestatios ted t download or upoad sets. Medstean asumes neposbilty o kay to ietemtion of srvices or sevice petomance dfterences atal and advertet perfomance n select a, indudes eriettrsport indeet access, and uninited inconing rals. Outtond calls, ecept foi t e and 911, wil fecharped at 10ntninute Cperatr Serviceand 411 l be changt at tanted atis. tiatues ar long distance Carer tesallowed ternet Speed Morthly es nayapoh Spents 25 Mos and aboe ay te prvisined in a aige including aminimun nd mainum speed. Wiedstman wil provision custaters lotion te he tastest spnd valable ithin the ailatle ange the ime of arder but caet parte spndr unietetuted, e svice. Equipment Morthly uignent tees may app Wedsan-pvided modens wil be capatle of nhome wines toting but devios supported by in-home stweng comste ma grmo spmds ot ato adetined spoeds ar e spond tenced in our emet plan es wi etoding actual thughout sod may be impacted by val tactors includng intere on other egugtdnios at te ocaton detance fom e modem moden betion, ton f deves cacted, obpical brtatiom, and time ofdas logktan adetet pet coecting a deva deymoden to proide awnd comedenimcommended Mdem roment must be ntuned upon minaton nt ndan enesthe ght ta carg fahemodemora S100 lestatatosktvation katon charp mayapol Pansh edi25 Mps and igher may qualdy for te ptessional installtion Plas with spends less than 25 Mos may inoura etprlesoalinstalaton Money-Back Garante Foustomer cancls new temet senior ie 30 das ner stat ot senice, all svice chargs and any modem quionent and intal charpes. applicatie, rated t itemet srvios orly will be retunded Moden gionet t be etumed upon tenination and itnot. Wndstman esenies herightt carge tr temodem ra $00 02020 Wndsteam Services, LLC Arights esmed Kinete and indnann mgstend servie maris or adenala af Wdtan Serices, LLCand s itates. Al ter mar ante pnoty of ther espective owns