H The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY Did you hear about the insomniac who is a dyslexic agnostic? She lies awake at night and wonders if there really is a Dog. Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese "God has blessed us so much," the silver-haired gentleman said to me on July 26th, as he walked into the Penn Hills Senior Center to get a voucher for the Farmer's Market. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided a federal grant for the Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program, which provides seniors with access to locally grown fruits, vegetables, honey and herbs. Our Senior Center, which is located at 147 Jefferson Road, and our satellite center, which is located at the William McKinley Citizens Center at 801 7th Street, distributed over one-thousand $50.00 vouchers to our seniors to purchase produce at local farmers' markets. In addition, meals are available through our Senior Center. Lunch is served for those who appear in person and home delivery is available as well. Just get in touch with our staff to let them know that you or your loved one are interested in participating and to confirm that lunch will be served on your particular day of interest. There is no cost for the lunch. We are so grateful to our staff: Phyllis Paciulli - Senior Service Center Director Send email to ppaciulli@pennhills.org Or call (412) 244-3410 Mary Ann Sciullo - Wm McKinley Site Supervisor Send email to masciullo@pennhills.org Or call (412) 828-5888 Michele Pirollo - Secretary The mission of our Senior Centers is "to provide for the social, emotional and physical well-being of the senior residents of Penn Hills who are 60 years of age and older. Services are also available to the home-bound and hard-to-reach elderly." In addition to the meals which are provided, there are many other activities. If you have questions, please call (412) 244-3400 SUMMER FEST Saturday, August 5, 2023 A preacher was walking along a country road when he looked off into the distance and saw a farmer working in the field. The preacher could not help but notice the well-organized, plush green rows of crops. The preacher called out to the farmer, "The lord has blessed you with a beautiful farm, my son." The farmer looked up and said, "Yes he has, but you should have seen it when he had it all to himself." AUGUST EVENTS Romica Mclean-Maintenance Lena Natalia - Center Service Coordinator Jan Austin - Home Delivered Meals Coodinator Cheryl Collins - Data Processing Clerk Linda Tucibat - Site Supervisor for Lunchroom from 3pm to 9pm 1340 Hunter Rd, Verona, PA 15147, USA Friendship Park NON-VOTING MEETING Monday, August 14, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd, Penn Hills, PA 15235, USA Council Chambers COUNCIL MEETING Monday, August 21, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm Council Chambers ZONING HEARING BOARD MEETING Wednesday, August 23, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm Council Chambers ZONING HEARING BOARD MEETING Thursday, August 24, 2023 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm Council Chambers Scan for 2023 Parks and Rec Spring & Summer Events! FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller-cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line: 412-342-0922 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS (412) 798-2151 Scott Shepard-DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione-DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave, Oakmont, PA, 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA. 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group (412) 793-7063 260 Aster Street, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code: 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied (Republic) Waste Services 1877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT (412) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn-Director joohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Phone: 412-342-1086 Fax: 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. - 4:30 pm. #PennHills Proud Be In the know. Visit SavyCitizenApp.com & Download the app! H The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY Did you hear about the insomniac who is a dyslexic agnostic ? She lies awake at night and wonders if there really is a Dog . Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese " God has blessed us so much , " the silver - haired gentleman said to me on July 26th , as he walked into the Penn Hills Senior Center to get a voucher for the Farmer's Market . The United States Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) has provided a federal grant for the Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program , which provides seniors with access to locally grown fruits , vegetables , honey and herbs . Our Senior Center , which is located at 147 Jefferson Road , and our satellite center , which is located at the William McKinley Citizens Center at 801 7th Street , distributed over one - thousand $ 50.00 vouchers to our seniors to purchase produce at local farmers ' markets . In addition , meals are available through our Senior Center . Lunch is served for those who appear in person and home delivery is available as well . Just get in touch with our staff to let them know that you or your loved one are interested in participating and to confirm that lunch will be served on your particular day of interest . There is no cost for the lunch . We are so grateful to our staff : Phyllis Paciulli - Senior Service Center Director Send email to ppaciulli@pennhills.org Or call ( 412 ) 244-3410 Mary Ann Sciullo - Wm McKinley Site Supervisor Send email to masciullo@pennhills.org Or call ( 412 ) 828-5888 Michele Pirollo - Secretary The mission of our Senior Centers is " to provide for the social , emotional and physical well - being of the senior residents of Penn Hills who are 60 years of age and older . Services are also available to the home - bound and hard - to - reach elderly . " In addition to the meals which are provided , there are many other activities . If you have questions , please call ( 412 ) 244-3400 SUMMER FEST Saturday , August 5 , 2023 A preacher was walking along a country road when he looked off into the distance and saw a farmer working in the field . The preacher could not help but notice the well - organized , plush green rows of crops . The preacher called out to the farmer , " The lord has blessed you with a beautiful farm , my son . " The farmer looked up and said , " Yes he has , but you should have seen it when he had it all to himself . " AUGUST EVENTS Romica Mclean - Maintenance Lena Natalia - Center Service Coordinator Jan Austin - Home Delivered Meals Coodinator Cheryl Collins - Data Processing Clerk Linda Tucibat - Site Supervisor for Lunchroom from 3pm to 9pm 1340 Hunter Rd , Verona , PA 15147 , USA Friendship Park NON - VOTING MEETING Monday , August 14 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd , Penn Hills , PA 15235 , USA Council Chambers COUNCIL MEETING Monday , August 21 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm Council Chambers ZONING HEARING BOARD MEETING Wednesday , August 23 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm Council Chambers ZONING HEARING BOARD MEETING Thursday , August 24 , 2023 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm Council Chambers Scan for 2023 Parks and Rec Spring & Summer Events ! FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller-cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line : 412-342-0922 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS ( 412 ) 798-2151 Scott Shepard - DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione - DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave , Oakmont , PA , 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh , PA . 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group ( 412 ) 793-7063 260 Aster Street , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code : 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied ( Republic ) Waste Services 1877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT ( 412 ) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn - Director joohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Phone : 412-342-1086 Fax : 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS : Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m . - 4:30 pm . #PennHills Proud Be In the know . Visit SavyCitizenApp.com & Download the app !