H The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese What is a pirates favorite holiday? AHRRRRR-bor Day. Our annual Arbor Day Celebration was held at the William McKinley Citizen Center on May 6th, where our Shade Tree Commission, along with many volunteers, planted 15 trees. So far, our Shade Tree Commission has planted 345 trees, including 15 trees which were planted along Rodi Road in November, with a plan to plant an additional 20 trees on Rodi Road this coming Fall. Through the Front Yard Tree Project, where trees are donated and planted at no cost to the home owner, 109 trees have been planted, with more to come. At the Arbor Day Celebration, I, along with council, presented a formal Proclamation, where it is noted that: Arbor Day began in 1872 by the Nebraska Board of Agriculture to establish a special day to be set aside for the planting of trees. The Proclamation sets forth some of the benefits of trees. It states that trees can be a solution to combating climate change by reducing the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cutting heating and cooling costs, moderating temperatures, producing life-giving oxygen and habitat for wildlife. They are also a renewable source giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products. Trees increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas and beautify our community. And wherever they are planted - are a source of joy and spiritual renewal. Our Shade Tree Commission Board is comprised of truly impressive volunteers, who all choose to call Penn Hills home: President - Kathy Raborn - Horticulturist and Landscape Designer. Vice-President - Rick Duncan - Archaeologist, GIS Consultant, Volunteer Site Steward ALT-Sycamore Island and Chairperson of the Allegheny River Boulevard Preservation Association. Treasurer - Tori DeJohn - Mechanical Engineer, PHCDC and member of the Penn Hills Anti-Litter Group. Secretary-Sandy Feather - Educator, Penn State Extension ISA Certified Arborist. Member at Large - Betty Arenth - Nonprofit Manager, Retired COO and Senior Vice-President of John Heinz History Center. Member at Large - Laurie Follweiler - Horticulturist, Plant Growth Facilities Manager at the University of Pittsburgh. Member at Large - Jill Daly - Retired Health and Science Writer and Editor, Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Under the direction of this magnificent Board and with the help of many wonderful volunteers, Penn Hills has received from the Arbor Day Foundation the distinction of being named a Tree City USA for four consecutive years. We have also been honored with the Growth Award for three years in a row, which is given to communities that demonstrate higher levels of tree care and community engagement. Spring is here and the trees are getting their foliage back... What a re-leaf! MAY EVENTS Zoning Hearing Board Meeting Wednesday, May 24, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd, Penn Hills, PA 15235, Monday, May 29, 2023, USA begins 11:30am Council Chambers (St Bart's Church) MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Planning Commission Meeting Thursday, May 25, 2023 Library Board Meeting Tuesday, May 30, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm from 7:30pm to 8:30pm 102 Duff Rd, Penn Hills, PA 15235, Stotler Rd, Plum, PA 15239, USA USA Council Chambers Scan for 2023 Parks and Rec Spring & Summer Events! pr FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller-cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line: 412-342-0922 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS (412) 798-2151 Scott Shepard-DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione-DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave, Oakmont, PA, 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA. 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group (412) 793-7063 260 Aster Street, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code: 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied (Republic) Waste Services 1877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT (412) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn-Director joohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Phone: 412-342-1086 Fax: 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. - 4:30 pm. #PennHills Proud Be In the know. Visit SavyCitizenApp.com & Download the app! H The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese What is a pirates favorite holiday ? AHRRRRR - bor Day . Our annual Arbor Day Celebration was held at the William McKinley Citizen Center on May 6th , where our Shade Tree Commission , along with many volunteers , planted 15 trees . So far , our Shade Tree Commission has planted 345 trees , including 15 trees which were planted along Rodi Road in November , with a plan to plant an additional 20 trees on Rodi Road this coming Fall . Through the Front Yard Tree Project , where trees are donated and planted at no cost to the home owner , 109 trees have been planted , with more to come . At the Arbor Day Celebration , I , along with council , presented a formal Proclamation , where it is noted that : Arbor Day began in 1872 by the Nebraska Board of Agriculture to establish a special day to be set aside for the planting of trees . The Proclamation sets forth some of the benefits of trees . It states that trees can be a solution to combating climate change by reducing the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water , cutting heating and cooling costs , moderating temperatures , producing life - giving oxygen and habitat for wildlife . They are also a renewable source giving us paper , wood for our homes , fuel for our fires and countless other wood products . Trees increase property values , enhance the economic vitality of business areas and beautify our community . And wherever they are planted - are a source of joy and spiritual renewal . Our Shade Tree Commission Board is comprised of truly impressive volunteers , who all choose to call Penn Hills home : President - Kathy Raborn - Horticulturist and Landscape Designer . Vice - President - Rick Duncan - Archaeologist , GIS Consultant , Volunteer Site Steward ALT - Sycamore Island and Chairperson of the Allegheny River Boulevard Preservation Association . Treasurer - Tori DeJohn - Mechanical Engineer , PHCDC and member of the Penn Hills Anti - Litter Group . Secretary - Sandy Feather - Educator , Penn State Extension ISA Certified Arborist . Member at Large - Betty Arenth - Nonprofit Manager , Retired COO and Senior Vice - President of John Heinz History Center . Member at Large - Laurie Follweiler - Horticulturist , Plant Growth Facilities Manager at the University of Pittsburgh . Member at Large - Jill Daly - Retired Health and Science Writer and Editor , Pittsburgh Post Gazette . Under the direction of this magnificent Board and with the help of many wonderful volunteers , Penn Hills has received from the Arbor Day Foundation the distinction of being named a Tree City USA for four consecutive years . We have also been honored with the Growth Award for three years in a row , which is given to communities that demonstrate higher levels of tree care and community engagement . Spring is here and the trees are getting their foliage back ... What a re - leaf ! MAY EVENTS Zoning Hearing Board Meeting Wednesday , May 24 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd , Penn Hills , PA 15235 , Monday , May 29 , 2023 , USA begins 11:30 am Council Chambers ( St Bart's Church ) MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Planning Commission Meeting Thursday , May 25 , 2023 Library Board Meeting Tuesday , May 30 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm 102 Duff Rd , Penn Hills , PA 15235 , Stotler Rd , Plum , PA 15239 , USA USA Council Chambers Scan for 2023 Parks and Rec Spring & Summer Events ! pr FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller-cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line : 412-342-0922 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS ( 412 ) 798-2151 Scott Shepard - DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione - DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave , Oakmont , PA , 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh , PA . 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group ( 412 ) 793-7063 260 Aster Street , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code : 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied ( Republic ) Waste Services 1877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT ( 412 ) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn - Director joohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Phone : 412-342-1086 Fax : 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS : Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m . - 4:30 pm . #PennHills Proud Be In the know . Visit SavyCitizenApp.com & Download the app !