H Scott Andrejchak MaryRuth Aull Jim Beck Vaunda Bonnett Erik Breedon Maryann Brendel Susan Chikalla Jill Daly Jeff Deakins Dave DeJohn Tori DeJohn The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY DeJohn Children Rick Duncan Sandy Feather Aneeke Jefferson Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese What did the big flower say to the little flower? What's up bud?! Plans to make Rodi Road safer and to beautify it, which started over two years ago, are finally coming to fruition. Since Rodi Road is a state road, Penn Hills can only improve sidewalks, accessibility, walk-ability, and beautification. To that end, we have had Duquesne Light check the street lights to improve the lighting, we have received a federal grant to improve the sidewalks, and along with contributions from the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC) and Local Roots Landscaping, we have planted a garden to replace a vacant lot. The lot has many legal restrictions on it so a garden was determined to be the best use of the property and it turns out to be a beautiful way to say Welcome to Penn Hills! Listed here are the names of volunteers who helped plant a garden at the entrance of Rodi Road on June 3rd. A second day of planting is scheduled for June 24th at 9 a.m. Jefferson Children Kathy Kaczka Adam Kupec Vince Kwisnek Barb Meckel* Bill Moutz Barb Munford* Sue Piper* Kate Porigow Collin Raborn Davis Raborn Kathy Raborn Mary Smith* Mike Smith Kent Zellefrow JUNE EVENTS Council Meeting Monday, June 26, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd, Penn Hills, PA 15235, USA Council Chambers Library Board Meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm Stotler Rd, Plum, PA 15239, USA Zoning Hearing Board Meeting Wednesday, June 28, 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd, Penn Hills, PA 15235, USA Council Chambers WPC provided the plants, staffing and funders for maintenance in future years. The new garden contains perennials, along with annuals, which will give a glorious burst of color for our residents and visitors when they enter Penn Hills. Every Spring, WPC will replant the annuals and every Fall they will clear the garden. Local Roots Landscaping donated the staff, time and equipment to build the garden beds. The routine weeding and watering will be done by "stewards," those listed above who have an asterisk next to their name. New grass surrounding the beds will be planted shortly and a "Welcome to Penn Hills" sign will be installed. What's a landscaper's favorite type of music? Mow-Town NEXT PLANTING DAY - JUNE 24 - 9:00 A.M. COMING Summer Scan for 2023 Parks and Rec Spring & Summer Events! FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller-cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line: 412-342-0022 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS (412) 798-2151 Scott Shepard-DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione-DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave, Oakmont, PA, 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA. 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group (412) 793-7063 260 Aster Street, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code: 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied (Republic) Waste Services 1877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT (412) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn-Director joohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Phone: 412-342-1086 Fax: 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. - 4:30 pm. #PennHills Proud Be In the know. Visit SavyCitizenApp.com & Download the app! H Scott Andrejchak MaryRuth Aull Jim Beck Vaunda Bonnett Erik Breedon Maryann Brendel Susan Chikalla Jill Daly Jeff Deakins Dave DeJohn Tori DeJohn The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY DeJohn Children Rick Duncan Sandy Feather Aneeke Jefferson Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese What did the big flower say to the little flower ? What's up bud ?! Plans to make Rodi Road safer and to beautify it , which started over two years ago , are finally coming to fruition . Since Rodi Road is a state road , Penn Hills can only improve sidewalks , accessibility , walk - ability , and beautification . To that end , we have had Duquesne Light check the street lights to improve the lighting , we have received a federal grant to improve the sidewalks , and along with contributions from the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy ( WPC ) and Local Roots Landscaping , we have planted a garden to replace a vacant lot . The lot has many legal restrictions on it so a garden was determined to be the best use of the property and it turns out to be a beautiful way to say Welcome to Penn Hills ! Listed here are the names of volunteers who helped plant a garden at the entrance of Rodi Road on June 3rd . A second day of planting is scheduled for June 24th at 9 a.m. Jefferson Children Kathy Kaczka Adam Kupec Vince Kwisnek Barb Meckel * Bill Moutz Barb Munford * Sue Piper * Kate Porigow Collin Raborn Davis Raborn Kathy Raborn Mary Smith * Mike Smith Kent Zellefrow JUNE EVENTS Council Meeting Monday , June 26 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd , Penn Hills , PA 15235 , USA Council Chambers Library Board Meeting Tuesday , June 27 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm Stotler Rd , Plum , PA 15239 , USA Zoning Hearing Board Meeting Wednesday , June 28 , 2023 from 7pm to 8pm 102 Duff Rd , Penn Hills , PA 15235 , USA Council Chambers WPC provided the plants , staffing and funders for maintenance in future years . The new garden contains perennials , along with annuals , which will give a glorious burst of color for our residents and visitors when they enter Penn Hills . Every Spring , WPC will replant the annuals and every Fall they will clear the garden . Local Roots Landscaping donated the staff , time and equipment to build the garden beds . The routine weeding and watering will be done by " stewards , " those listed above who have an asterisk next to their name . New grass surrounding the beds will be planted shortly and a " Welcome to Penn Hills " sign will be installed . What's a landscaper's favorite type of music ? Mow - Town NEXT PLANTING DAY - JUNE 24 - 9:00 A.M. COMING Summer Scan for 2023 Parks and Rec Spring & Summer Events ! FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller-cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line : 412-342-0022 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS ( 412 ) 798-2151 Scott Shepard - DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione - DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave , Oakmont , PA , 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh , PA . 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group ( 412 ) 793-7063 260 Aster Street , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code : 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied ( Republic ) Waste Services 1877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT ( 412 ) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn - Director joohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Phone : 412-342-1086 Fax : 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS : Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m . - 4:30 pm . #PennHills Proud Be In the know . Visit SavyCitizenApp.com & Download the app !