H The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese P.ARM DVY HELP WANTED Did you hear about the employee who asked for a pay raise? He said to his boss, "I'll be honest with you. I have three companies after me." After agreeing to the raise, as the employee was walking away, the boss said, "By the way, which companies are they?" The employee said, "the gas company, the electric company and the phone company.' The Municipality of Penn Hills is one of the largest employers in this area. There are currently many employment opportunities. Please check our website at Municipality of Penn Hills www.pennhillspa.gov or visit us in person to check our job openings at 102 Duff Road. The boss said, "This is the third time this week that you have been late. Do you know what that means?" The employee looked at the boss and said, "That it's only Wednesday?" FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line: 412-342-0922 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS (412) 798-2151 Scott Shepard - DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione - DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave, Oakmont, PA. 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA. 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group (412) 793-7063 260 Aster Street, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code: 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied (Republic) Waste Services 1 877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information/Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT (412) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn Director jcohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road, Penn Hills, PA 15235 Phone: 412-342-1086 Fax: 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. - 4:30 p.m. #PennHillsProud fyo Be In the know. Visit SavvyCitizenApp.com & Download the app! H The Municipality of PENN HILLS A HOME RULE COMMUNITY Mayor's Message By Mayor Pauline Calabrese P.ARM DVY HELP WANTED Did you hear about the employee who asked for a pay raise ? He said to his boss , " I'll be honest with you . I have three companies after me . " After agreeing to the raise , as the employee was walking away , the boss said , " By the way , which companies are they ? " The employee said , " the gas company , the electric company and the phone company . ' The Municipality of Penn Hills is one of the largest employers in this area . There are currently many employment opportunities . Please check our website at Municipality of Penn Hills www.pennhillspa.gov or visit us in person to check our job openings at 102 Duff Road . The boss said , " This is the third time this week that you have been late . Do you know what that means ? " The employee looked at the boss and said , " That it's only Wednesday ? " FIRE STATION Penn Hills Fire Marshal Charles Miller cmiller@pennhillspa.g Fire Station Hall Rental 412 243-1892 PARKS & RECREATION OFFICE 412-798-2147 POLICE Tip Line : 412-342-0922 Emergencies Dial 911 PUBLIC WORKS ( 412 ) 798-2151 Scott Shepard - DPW Superintendent sshepard@pennhillspa.gov John Scaglione - DPW Assistant Superintendent jscaglione@pennhillspa.gov SENIOR SERVICES 412 244-3400 SEWER INFORMATION Oakmont Water Authority 412 828-7220 721 Allegheny Ave , Oakmont , PA . 15139 Wilkinsburg Penn Joint Water Authority 412 243-6200 2200 Robinson Blvd. Pittsburgh , PA . 15221 TAX COLLECTION Keystone Collections Group ( 412 ) 793-7063 260 Aster Street , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Penn Hills Wage Tax Code : 02735 TRASH COLLECTION Municipal Trash Collector Allied ( Republic ) Waste Services 1 877-788-9400 Scan QR Code for Information / Schedules WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DEPARTMENT ( 412 ) 798-2171 Jennifer Cohn Director jcohn@pennhillspa.gov Laura Prodente - Secretary MUNICIPAL BUILDING 102 Duff Road , Penn Hills , PA 15235 Phone : 412-342-1086 Fax : 412-342-0029 OFFICE HOURS : Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m . - 4:30 p.m. #PennHillsProud fyo Be In the know . Visit SavvyCitizenApp.com & Download the app !